Anxiety Control – Self Hypnosis Mp3 Recording
Do you lay awake at night wrestling with what ifs and anxiety over unanswered questions? Well, take back your nights with this hypnosis session on an MP3. Hypnosis delves into your subconscious and fixes your response. You will finally feel in control. Don’t let anxiety keep you up at night again, when the answer is only a click away.

Control Alcohol – Self Hypnosis Mp3 Recording
Alcoholism is an addiction that ruins lives, splits up families, and can result in violence. Controlling an addiction to alcohol can be hard. This hypnosis recording is designed to help deal with the drinking problem by providing a background for self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is highly-effective for breaking the cycle of addiction, including alcoholism.

Alcohol Aversion – Self Hypnosis MP3 Recordings
Want to quit alcohol? you need to change your attitude and the mental patterns that resulted in this negative habit. Alcohol aversion hypnosis mp3 is a unique method of changing your perception about alcohol consumption and enhancing your motivation to stay sober and preserve your health. Buy the effective hypnosis mp3 for alcohol aversion and make the first step towards a major change in your life.

Self Confidence – Self Hypnosis MP3 Recording
Do you doubt yourself? Is it seeping into your daily life and taking it off your desired path? Then, it’s time to stop pretending “to fake it until you make it” and turn your doubt into confidence. And you can do it just by listening to this hypnosis session MP3 from the comfort of your home. Just think about how your life will change when you feel confident.

Beating Procrastination – Self Hypnosis Mp3 Recording
The hypnosis MP3 download Beating Procrastination is an extremely effective method to change an unwanted habit. Hypnosis is an accepted method of behavioral modification. Positive changes are incorporated through subconscious suggestions producing direct results that can be measured within a few short sessions. This hypnosis MP3 download will provide the means to overcome your tendency to procrastinate

Overcoming PTSD – Self Hypnosis MP3
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PSTD) affects survivors after they encounter tragic events such as war, accidents, or rape. They may experience nightmares and panic attacks. Our Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Self Hypnosis MP3 has already helped PTSD sufferers. It could also aid you or someone close to you in conquering their demons

Beat Panic Attacks Self Hypnosis MP3
Have you ever experienced a panic attack? They can be frightening and one out of every 75 people will experience one during their lives. While panic attacks vary from a few minutes to a few hours, the anxiety is awful. How would you like to control with hypnosis? Our Panic Attacks Relaxation Self Hypnosis MP3 helps you to relax and control your anxiety, preventing future attacks

Emotional Release – Self Hypnosis MP3
If you are having trouble crying, download the Emotional Release Self Hypnosis MP3. The 29- minute MP3 download will assist you in releasing your emotions privately, instead of just waiting for them to erupt at the wrong time. Having a good long cry may help to let go of old resentments and feelings

Total Relaxation – Self Hypnosis MP3
Total Relaxation is the exact opposite of constant stress and our Relaxation Self Hypnosis MP3 will help you achieve that. It doesn’t matter how chaotic your life gets or how many family members complain, all you need to do is listen to this download and find your center of balance. Your body will become calmer and totally relaxed

Remove Negative Thoughts – Self Hypnosis Mp3 Recording
Negative thinking can overtake your life. It often makes you depressed as well as those that hang around you. So how do you change your perspective? Try listening to our popular Sack Negativity Self Hypnosis MP3 to alter your mindset into a more positive outlook. You’ll feel happier and people will appreciate a more bubbly, fun person.