Smoking Cessation – Self Hypnosis Mp3 Recording
It’s time to put down that pack once and for all. Through the scientific power of hypnosis, this MP3 will help you stop craving cigarettes and break the destructive cycle of mental and physical cigarette addiction. Download this life-changing hypnosis session for smoking cessation, put in your earbuds, and get ready to break the grip of addiction through the power of unconscious mental programming.

Beating Procrastination – Self Hypnosis Mp3 Recording
The hypnosis MP3 download Beating Procrastination is an extremely effective method to change an unwanted habit. Hypnosis is an accepted method of behavioral modification. Positive changes are incorporated through subconscious suggestions producing direct results that can be measured within a few short sessions. This hypnosis MP3 download will provide the means to overcome your tendency to procrastinate